Author Archives: Bill

Its been WAY too long

I am extremely embarrassed about the fact that its been a month since my last post. In fact, A LOT has occurred since my last post. We went to Colorado for the USA Pro Cycling Challenge (a bike race in the Rockies involving the same cyclists from the Tour de France). I also finished up five years at Saint Johns Hospital and am now working at Overland Park Regional Medical Center (which is significantly closer).

I plan to share information about all of these things and more. Plus, I plan to post much more regularly. Im a lot better at reading other blogs than keeping mine up to date.

Heres to doing a better job in the near future.

Violin Recital for Anna

Anna had her first violin recital a little over a week ago.  Anna has been taking lessons for several years, but has never had a recital.  Each of the students were given challenging pieces at the beginning of the summer; the hard work paid off as evidenced in the video.


My 5-year old Jeep passed the milestone 100,000-mile mark today. Appropriately, it did so as I pulled into the parking lot at work. My commute has put a lot of miles on the vehicle.

Fortunately, the commute comes to an end in about 3 weeks. My commute will then be by bicycle. Wonder how long before I hit another 100,000 miles on my car!


Heather visits and the Deanna Rose Farmstead

Linda and Heather have been best friends since high school.  Unfortunately, she moved to the east coast several years ago and we don’t get to see her and her children near enough.  However, lucky for us, she decided to load the car with her 3 kids and road-trip back to Kansas a couple weeks ago.

There were quite a few visits back and forth between Kansas City and Lawrence.  Of the many visits, I was only able to attend one (thanks to the many days I got to work in the ER this month).  We met up at the Deanna Rose Farmstead before the heat could claim any victims.

We walked around and saw the many animals available to view and feed.  We fed just about every baby goat available, using up a third of the quarters in Johnson County.  There is an American-Indian settlement replica built with educational artifacts; tee-pees are erected also.

There is a replica of an old-town bank on the site, providing us with a bit of respite from the heat with some air-conditioning.  What a relief that was!

My absolute favorite picture of the day is all of the kids at the water pump.  This was where Anna and Emily would love to play when they were younger.

You may remember this old post that was a Blast From the Past.

Nikita and the Sunset Safari

As members of the Friends of the Zoo, we get access to the zoo after-hours once a month for the Sunset Safari at the Kansas City Zoo.  Certain sections of the zoo are open and there are special educational presentations that help us get to know the animals better.  Linda and the girls are fans of the zoo and could go weekly.

One of the newest acquisitions at the zoo is a polar bear, Nikita.  We got to sit in an air-conditioned area and watch him chase after frozen treats that were thrown into the water.  He’d retrieve the treat and then climb back up on a rock and then shake the water off.  It made for wonderful picture opportunities.

2011-07-22 at 16-34-44

2011-07-22 at 16-36-54

2011-07-22 at 16-40-23

Just to show just how much Linda and the girls love the zoo, Linda donated last year to Nikita’s exhibit in the name of Anna and Emily. Notice in the picture the free snow cones (and the obligatory cell phone being carried).

2011-07-22 at 15-59-20

2011-07-22 at 15-58-45

Wilhelm Reunion 2011

My mother-in-law is one of 5 children (including being the twin of one of her siblings).  Every two years, one of the siblings hosts a reunion for all of the cousins to come see how much older everyone is.

This year, we met at Lake Shawnee in Topeka.  Fried chicken, beans, potato salad, and lots of other side dishes and desserts kept us quite full.  Unfortunately, Grace couldn’t be with us during the reunion.

Considering we only see most of the younger cousins ever 2 years, it is amazing how much older all of the kids get…

Four of the five siblings.

Annie Haverkamp and family:

Dorothy Klamm and family:

Carlene Maag and family:

Carl Wilhelm and family:

To view more of the photos, you can visit my Flickr page here:

Steinway of Vladimir Horowitz

Today we took a trip to our favorite piano store, Schmitt Music, to see the concert Steinway of Vladimir Horowitz (1903-1989).  The piano (CD #503) was given to him in at the time of his marriage to Wanda Toscanini, the daughter of Arturo Toscanini.  He took this piano with him on his concert tours in a custom waterproof case.

Schmitt Music is where Linda holds her piano recitals and also where we purchased our own pianos.  As a piano teacher, Linda is well known to the staff and we were quickly welcomed in to view the Steinway.  After talking a bit and taking pictures, Linda sat down to play on the very piano played by Vladimir Horowitz.  What a sound.

Following is a clip of Linda playing, however she will quickly point out she was merely testing out the sound of the piano.