This weekend we had a backyard BBQ with some very wonderful friends. The Van Tasell family used to live several houses down but moved away a few years ago after Carl finished his residency in radiology (he was also a med school classmate). The Kimberlings recently moved back to the area after living in the Netherlands. Jessica was our babysitter 10 years ago. Her parents, the Curtins, live next door to us. An additional six adults and five children made for a crowded, but wonderful house.
The burgers, hot dogs, and brats were grilled to perfection. The baked beans, potato salad, and chips & dip were delicious. The beer and sodas helped wash it all down. After the meal, the guys all retired to the backyard (now termed “The Doctor’s Lounge”) and enjoyed cigars and beer.
Despite the Van Tassels only living about 5 miles away, we don’t seem to get together enough. This weekend helped remind us that we need to try harder to do just that.